The Great Indian Diet

                                            THE GREAT INDIAN DIET

Today, I am going to give you the summary about the great Indian diet book written by  Shilpa Shetty kundra and Luke Coutinho.
This book will walk you through the benefit of Indian cuisine and how it can help you to lose weight.

indian diet

What to do differently from daily routine

As said by french philosopher "you are what you eat", everything start with your thoughts. 

So follow these steps and let your mind do the work for you.
  1. Believe in your mind that you are healthy, these thoughts will influence your behavior and actions.
  2. Change your lifestyle, your daily routine.
  3. Be mindful of the oil you use in your kitchen, never ever reuse the same oil. Reheating the oil will lead to oxidation of oil and will harm your body, better to use coconut oil for cooking.
  4. Coconut oil go directly to liver to get converted into energy, instead of circulating in blood and settling in body as fat. It has a lot of other advantages.
  5. Eat Brown rice and wheat  instead of white rice as brown rice have inner seed coating of rice bran.and it help in reducing low cholesterol and B.P. problems.
  6. Drink juice slowly so that it can mix with your saliva. 
  7. Keep your body Alkaline it will prevent and cure diseases like cancer, reduce back pain, and eventually helps in losing weight faster
  8. Always detox your body, by drinking lots of water (min 8 glass a day)
  9. Add L - glutamine products in your diet. 
  10. Add cinnamon in cooking and add it in your tea and drink it empty stomach, which helps in reducing fat as it is  known to control blood sugar level and increases metabolic rate.
  11. Drink boiled Barley in water.
  12. You should have 3 meals and 2 snacks.
  13. Use sea salt instead of white salt because it improves skin tone, is effective for aching feet, aids weight loss and cures disease like asthma, diabetes.

Useful Chemicals or Compounds found in food


This compound is present in chilli and is helpful for hot taste and helps in maintaining healthy life due to high level of antioxidants present in them.

Is present in garlic which has anti-fungal and anti bacterial properties and is an excellent source of antioxidants which helps in fighting cancer.

Is present in turmeric, reduces inflammation caused by growth of cancer cell, cures Alzheimer diseases, relives infection that causes cold and cough.

Is present in cinnamon, it is known to control blood sugar level, increase metabolic rate, cut down cholesterol thus making it heart friendly.

Food good for Body Parts

Mind - Amarnath
Heart- Rice
Arteries- Corn

What not to eat

Junk food and refined(white) Sugar, as it gives sudden rise of blood sugar, leading to insulin resistance and storage of extra sugar as fat. Reason is When body produces insulin it is unable to burn fat.

What Seeds to eat 
  1. Mustard
  2. Kokum
  3. Tamarind
  4. Garam Masala
  5. Turmeric
  6. Chilli powder
  7. Asafoetida

What Micro Nutrients are present in Food
  1. Milk- carbs, protein,fat,calcium
  2. Pulses and lentils has complex carbs,iron, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc
  3. Lentils, chickpea, black and kidney beans are good source of protein, fiber and has B and Folate Vitamin
  4. Nuts has omega -3 fatty acid
  5. Olive oil has oleic acid , It has been said it is not recommended for Indian cooking because of cooking in high temperature destroy its nutrients.
  6. L - Glutamine products are Beef, Parsley, chicken, eggs, cabbage, beetroot
  7. Rice is rich in magnesium.
  8. Amarnath is good for disease and deficiencies like Gout ,lad cholesterol and is good for kidney

Good Food rich in Vitamin, Protein, Minerals and Fiber

  1. Amarnath-has vitamin A,C, E,B2,B6, Folic Acid,iron,calcium, it is better than milk. cure artheritis and stone
  2. oats - Selenium,manganese,fibre,vitamin,protein, it has beta gluten which lower the cholestrol, has antioxidation property, improve digestion,constipation,piles,gastrointestinal disorder and insomnia due to presence of magnesiuma nd tryptophan
  3. corn-Vitamin B,C,phosphorous,manganese
  4. barley- fibre and selenium , lower the cholosterol and triglyceride level in blood, good for pregnent women
  5. Ghee rich in vitamin A,D,E and K helps in build up immunity.

Type of Oils which can be used in Cooking
  1. Rice Bran Oil
  2. Sunflower oil
  3. Ground nut oil
  4. Mustard Oil
  5. Sesame oil
  6. Edible Almond Oil
  7. Palm oil
  8. Soyabean oil
  9. Canola oil

Learnings and Myth
  1. All answers for disease prevention and cure is immunity.
  2. Soya was never a good food as it contains pesticides.
  3. Green vegetables have cleaning and healing effect on digestive tract and liver.
  4. sugar dumped into cell is stores as fat.
  5. eat protein and fat in night as body do not need energy in that time
  6. wheat has more protein than rice
  7. body use calcium from bones to neutralize alkaline
  8. food fill in stomact for long time helps in reducing fat 
  9. body absorb 15-17 gram protein in a day
  10. Fibre help in cleaning and Detoxing system without giving load to kidnys
  11. 3 types of fat good(unsaturated),bad(saturated) and trans fat.
  12. good fat like omega - 3 and 6 present in walnuts and flaxseed,walnut,pumpkin seeds,canola oilfish like salmon, mackerel helps in building cell membraneand form exterior protective covering on each cell
  13. bad fat lead to increase in cholestrol
  14. when body produce more insulin then it will unable to reduce fat

Food Item that can be replaced 
  1. Allergic to lemaon eat green vegetable and fruit
  2. Replace Sugar with Stevia and Fruits

Healthy Recepies Name for great Indian Diet

  1. Beetroot Salad
  2. Bean penut salad
  3. rawa dhokla
  4. stir fried mushroom
  5. grilled chicken
  6. Ragi shake and upma
  7. idli made of oats
  8. tomato soup with tulsi
  9. diffrent type of chutney like onion chutney,coconut chutney
